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Law School Rankings from IHateLawSchool.com

IHateLawSchool.com's Exclusive 2011-2012 Top 25 Law School Rankings:
  1. Harvard Law School  
  2. Yale Law School
  3. Columbia Law School
  4. NYU School of Law 
  5. Stanford Law School 
  6. University of Chicago Law School
  7. University of Virginia School of Law
  8. Cornell Law School  
  9. UC Berkeley School of Law
  10. Georgetown University Law Center
  11. University of Texas School of Law
  12. Duke University School of Law
  13. University of Michigan Law School
  14. Northwestern University School of Law
  15. University of Pennsylvania Law School 
  16. UCLA School of Law
  17. University of Southern California Law School
  18. University of Minnesota Law School
  19. Vanderbilt University Law School
  20. George Washington University Law School
  21. University of Illinois College of Law
  22. Notre Dame Law School
  23. Washington and Lee University School of Law
  24. Boston College Law School
  25. Washington University School of Law

Here are the major rankings and other law school info on the internet:

  • US News & World Report - here it is, the famous rankings of U.S. News and World Reports.They give you everything you could need to make an informed decision about law school.
  • New Educational Quality Rankings of U.S. Law Schools - an alternative to the U.S. News & World Report ranking of law schools. Professor Leiter, a law professor at The University of Texas provides guide to the best law schools based on three (3) criteria: faculty quality, student quality, and teaching quality. Rigorous discussion of the criteria used, detailed listing of schools in various categories, and the inclusion of comparative data from other ranking services combine to make this an extremely informative site.
  • Brennan's Law School Rankings - authored by former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas E. Brennan, this site ranks all the 179 accredited law schools in the United States.
  • Law School Rankings Game - the Law School Rankings game originated from at the Indiana University School. Here, you create your own law school rankings based on various criteria.

  • The Law School 100 - the top 100 law school rankings based upon qualitative criteria.

Here are some of the best guides to choosing and applying to the right law school:

  1. Barron's Guide to Law Schools
  2. US News Ultimate Guide to Law Schools
  3. The Princeton Review 170 Best Law Schools
  4. The Princeton Review 's Law School Essays That Made a Difference
  5. Essays That Worked for Law Schools: 40 Essays from Successful Applications to the Top Law
  6. The Official Guide to ABA Approved Law Schools
  7. Planet Law School 2: Everything You Need to Know Before You Go
  8. Law School Confidential: The Complete Law School Survival Guide

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