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The Law In A Flash Complete First Year Outline Pack is a MUST for first year law students. The First Year Pack includes: Civil Procedure I, Civil Procedure II, Contracts, Criminal Law, Real Property, and Torts!

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Law school final exams are fast approaching.  We know - it's going to be hell.  Well, let us make it easier on you. Get the advantage you need to ACE your classes!  Check out our exclusive member's area for over 400 real, student-authored class outlines.

Take a peek at our free law outlines below to get started. 
We've got most of the major classes covered with more than 25 FREE outlines! 

In addition to a variety of Free Law School Outlines. IHateLawSchool.com also offers over 400+ Law School Outlines in its exclusive member's area. For only $25.00 per year, IHateLawSchool.com's members have unlimited access to the IHateLawSchool.com's exclusive law school outline bank containing over 400 legal outlines, including first year law courses such as contracts, property, civil procedure, criminal law, torts and upper level law school courses such as professional responsibility, business associations, evidence, wills and estates, administrative law and federal income tax. Looking for over 73,000 outlines, check out our sponsor, OutlineDepot.com!

We also have a study aids list where we've collected the most useful commercial law school outlines and study guides in one easy-to-shop forum.  

Plus, don't forget - WE BUY OUTLINES!  If you've got old class outlines you'd like to sell, drop us an e-mail and we'll tell you how it's done (it's surprisingly simple).  We're offering $5 per outline* for up to a dozen outlines per student!  If you need some extra cash, why not make money off of work you've already done?


Constitutional Law Catholic University Columbus Hartley Fall 2005 conlaw_hartley_f05.doc
Constitutional Law I University of Texas Graglia Spring 2002 ConLaw1.zip
Contracts University of Texas Russell Fall 1996/Spring 1997 Contracts.zip
Contracts Catholic University Columbus Keyser Fall 2005 contracts__keyser__f05.doc
Criminal Law University of Texas Goode Spring 1996 CrimLaw.zip
Criminal Law University of Texas Klien Spring 2002 Crimout.pdf
Property University of Texas Dzienkowski Fall 1999 Property Outline.pdf
Property Catholic University Columbus Silecchia Fall 2005 property__silecchia__f05.doc
Torts University of Texas Robertson Fall 1996 Torts.zip
Torts Catholic University Columbus Scordado Fall 2005 torts_scordado_fall05.doc
Bankruptcy University of Texas Westbrook Fall 1998 Bnkrptcy.zip
Criminal Procedure University of Texas Churgin Fall 1999 crimpro99.doc
Criminal Procedure Texas Wesleyan Broughton Spring 2005 crimpro_broughton__s05.doc
Evidence University of Texas Goode Unknown evid2.doc
Professional Responsibility University of Texas Dzienkowski Summer 1997 ProfResp.zip
Secured Transactions Texas Wesleyan Unknown Spring 2005 securedtrans__texaswes__sp05.doc
Wills & Estates University of Texas Goode Spring 1996 goode96.doc
Looking for some great study aids to help prepare for exams?  Click below to buy these titles now!

Exam Taking:

  1. LEEWS: Legal Essay Exam Writing System Audio Program
  2. The Study Group Performance Test Trainer
  3. Strategies & Tactics for the First Year Law Student
  4. Law School Legends Audio Tapes: Law School Exam Writing
  5. LEEWS: Legal Essay Exam Writing System CD Audio Program
  6. PMBR Audio CD Series: First Year Set
  7. Sum & Substance Audio Tapes: How to Succeed in Law School
  8. Bar Secrets: The 1L Book
  9. Finals Law School Exam Series: First Year Set
  10. The 8 Secrets of Top Exam Performance in Law School

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 Law In A Flash Flashcards: First Year Law Set


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